Frequently Asked Questions

There is no question too big or too small for our veterinary team. Below are some answers to our most common questions.

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Vaccine FAQs

What Are Pet Vaccines?

Pet vaccines are animal healthcare products that protect your feline and canine from succumbing to the effects of life-threatening diseases like rabies, distemper, parvovirus, and others. These highly contagious diseases can spread from pet to pet and even put pet owners at risk.

What’s the Difference between Core and Non-Core Vaccines?

Core vaccines are those that protect your pet from high risk diseases that threaten his life. They are considered essential to your pet’s health and welfare. Core vaccines protect your feline and canine from such diseases as rabies, distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, and others. Non-core vaccines can be given to pets according to their individual need. If your pet is at risk of certain diseases due to his location or lifestyle, your St. Louis vet may recommend they be vaccinated against these diseases.

Are There Risks to Having My Pet Vaccinated?
All medications come with some form of risks. Most pets, however, show little adverse effects to the vaccines other than mild swelling or soreness at the injection site. If your pet does show side effects, contact your St. Louis vet right away for a checkup.
How Essential Are Vaccines to the Health of My Pet?
Vaccinations can save your pet’s life. Vaccines stimulate your pet’s immune system to fight against diseases that can seriously impair his health or lead to his early demise.
Do Puppies and Kittens Need to Be Vaccinated?
Baby pets need core vaccines just like their adult parents, especially after they stop nursing as they’re no longer being protected by their mother’s milk. We’ll administer a series of vaccines to your puppy or kitten starting when he’s 8 to 10 weeks old. He’ll receive booster shots every 3-5 weeks until he reaches the age of 18-20 weeks old. After completing this series of vaccines, your vet will create a vaccination schedule for your pup or kit to meet his healthcare needs.
How Often Should My Pet Be Vaccinated?

As no two pets are exactly the same when it comes to their health and wellness, we’ll customize a vaccination schedule best suited to your pet’s healthcare needs considering their age, lifestyle, health, and breed.

Common Spay/Neuter Questions

Spay/Neuter FAQs

At the St. Louis Veterinary Center, you’re invited to connect with a veterinarian who can answer your pet health questions. We frequently get questions about spay and neuter. Keep reading to learn about this important pet health issue!

What Does Spay and Neuter Do?

A spay (on female cats and dogs) and neuter (on male cats and dogs) make your pet unable to reproduce. This is done by removing certain sex organs (the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus in females, and the testicles in males).

What Are the Benefits of Spay and Neuter?

There are several benefits to spay and neuter.

  • Spay and neuter procedures reduce or eliminate the risk of certain animal health problems.
  • This routine procedure also curbs animal overpopulation, an economic and ethical problem for communities around the country.
  • Neutered male animals may be less likely to exhibit behaviors related to reproduction, like territorial marking, aggression, and roaming.
Is Spay and Neuter Expensive?
Spay and neuter procedures are routine and certainly not as expensive as having a pregnant animal or raising a litter of animals. Many pet parents see it as an investment in their animal’s health. We’re happy to discuss payment options with you to make sure this important veterinary service fits into your budget.
When Should I Get My Pet Spayed or Neutered?
Healthy kittens and puppies can be spayed or neutered as young as 8 weeks old, although it’s more commonly done between the ages of 4 to 6 months. For females, it’s best to schedule a spay before she enters her first heat (menstruation cycle).
What Are the Risks of Spay and Neuter?

Any surgical procedure carries a degree of risk, including infection, bleeding, and adverse reaction to anesthesia. Fortunately, these risks are generally low, and our St. Louis veterinarian works with every pet parent to ensure their pet’s surgery and recovery goΩ smoothly.

Do You Need to Schedule a Spay or Neuter Procedure?

Contact the St. Louis Veterinary Center at 314-773-6400 to schedule an appointment with a veterinarian.

Common Pet Dental Questions

Pet Dental FAQs

Healthy teeth and gums are essential to your pet’s overall health. Routine pet dental exams and cleanings can help your pet maintain good oral health. The answers to the following FAQs compiled by our St. Louis veterinarian provide essential information on how to preserve the health of your pet’s teeth. At St. Louis Veterinary Center, we’re happy to answer any questions you may have concerning pet dental care.

Are Pet Dental Problems Common?
Pet dental issues are more common than people think. Most pets over the age of 5 years have some form of periodontal disease. Gum disease can weaken the bone structure of your pet’s teeth, making him more susceptible to tooth loss. Left unchecked, bacteria from the disease can enter your pet’s bloodstream, putting him at risk of liver, heart, and kidney damage.
How Often Should My Kit or Pup Have a Dental Cleaning?
Most pets can benefit from an annual dental cleaning to maintain good oral health. At this time, we’ll remove the plaque and tartar from your pet’s teeth, particularly under the gum line. If your pet has dental problems or gum disease, he may need cleaning more often.
Is It Really Necessary to Brush My Pet’s Teeth at Home?
Absolutely! Brushing your kit or pup’s teeth at home at least 2-3 times a week can help keep his teeth and gums healthy. We can help you choose the right toothbrush and toothpaste for your pet and offer tips on simplifying this task.
How Do I Know if My Pet Has Problems with His Gums or Teeth?

There are signs you can look out for to indicate that your pet is suffering from dental problems. If you’re in the habit of brushing your pet’s teeth, you can easily notice if he has broken, loose, or discolored teeth. Red, swollen gums could also indicate your dog or cat has an abscess or gum disease.

Dental problems may cause your pet to lose his appetite or make it difficult for him to chew and swallow. He may rub his face often due to discomfort and pain. If you suspect your pet may have dental problems, contact our St. Louis veterinarian for a checkup.

Does My Pet Need Anesthesia to Get His Teeth Cleaned?
We use general anesthesia to keep your pet still and protect him from pain during cleanings. Pet dental cleanings generally involve a thorough examination, x-rays, and cleaning beneath the gum line, which cannot be accomplished unless your pet is anesthetized.
See Your St. Louis Veterinarian for Pet Dental Care

Pet dental care is an important part of your pet’s overall veterinary care. For quality dental care services to enhance your pet’s oral health, contact St. Louis Veterinary Center at 314-773-6400 today.