Our Services
Pet Nutritional Counseling
Nutrition is every bit as important for pets as it is for people.

Pet Nutritional Counseling

Nutrition is the foundation of a healthy pet and everyone needs to make sure their pets receive enough of each nutrient to give them the energy to grow, develop, and lead a happy life. With this in mind, the team from the St. Louis Veterinary Center is here to discuss the basics of pet nutrition and how nutritional counseling can help pets in the St. Louis area.

Various Types of Nutrients

There are several types of nutrients that pets are going to ingest that will play an important role in their growth and development. Carbohydrates are sugars, and they come in many forms ranging from pure glucose to sucrose, dextrose, and more. These carbohydrates are an immediate source of energy; however, too many of them can also lead to diabetes. Protein is another important nutrient. This is found in meat, eggs, and beans. Protein forms the building blocks of muscle tissue and is an important scaffold throughout the body. Finally, fat is another key nutrient. Fat is a long-term energy source for pets.

When Pet Nutritional Counseling is Needed

Nutritional counseling can play an important role in the overall health of a pet. Pet nutritional counseling can be necessary for pets who are underweight, overweight, obese, or pets that have chronic medical problems. A trained nutritional counselor knows how to take a look at the weight of a pet and compare this to the diet of the pet, looking for areas of improvement. In some cases, a veterinarian might refer a pet to a trained and experienced nutritional counselor for help in certain areas. This additional assistance is sometimes necessary for the health of the animal. A nutritional counselor can help a pet become healthier and lead a long, happy life.

Trust the Team from the St. Louis Veterinary Center

Nutritional counseling is important for pets who are trying to lead a healthy life. If you are in the St. Louis area and would like more information regarding pet nutritional counseling, then please contact our veterinarians at the St. Louis Veterinary Center today. We are trained, professional healthcare providers who provide for the needs of pet owners and their pets. Call today to schedule an appointment for your furry family member and let us show you how nutritional counseling can keep your pet happy and healthy for years to come.